112: Non-Traditional Pathways for Women into Tech

Angie Chang, Vice President, Partnerships & Mentorship, Hackbright Academy
Marlene Hirose, Data Engineer, IMVU
Kristiane Koontz, President, The Club
Sophia Viklund, Co-Founder, Silicon Valley Deep Learning Group
Jennifer Wong, Software Engineer, Eventbrite
June 5, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm  •  Siskiyou Room

From ballet, art, and mechanical engineering, our panelists are women who have transitioned their careers to join the Silicon Valley tech elite. We will ask how they got started, and what resources they utilized (and created!) to transition their roles into engineering and tech. The women will share the clues and projects that have helped them get recognized for their technical and leadership abilities, and how their networks of women in tech have also adapted to maintain 21st century job skills in the Silicon Valley tech sector.