Tina Ambrosini

Success Coach, Creativosity
303C-090 - Crucial Conversations in the Workplace
336C-136 - FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real
222C-062 - Crucial Conversations in the Workplace
316C-102 - Shift Your Thoughts and Change Your World

Tina Ambrosini is a professional development coach who works with purpose-driven individuals, to enable them to break free from limitations, identify their true passions, and create a roadmap for success to thrive in all aspects of their personal and professional lives. Tina offers customized programs to individuals and small businesses that are ready to take action and achieve rapid and profound change. Within SF Bay Area Coaches, she creates and coordinates events outside of monthly gatherings to add value to the membership, connect with the community, raise awareness about the benefits of coaching, and provide ongoing opportunities for members to collaborate with fellow coaches and grow their skill sets.