Digital Transformation in Tourism: Bridging Gaps for Modern Travelers and a Thriving Africa

The travel industry has gotten a whole lot more exciting thanks to modern technology! Technology has revolutionized both tourism industry and highly improved the traditional hospitality through the following:
- Planning and Booking are now easier with Websites and apps like TripAdvisor and, AirBnB
- You can now research destinations, compare prices, and book everything from flights and hotels to fun activities, all in one place online.
- One cannot afford to get lost with a GPS on their cellphones, making travelling a lot easier
- Hotels are getting smarter too! Imagine adjusting the room temperature with your phone or using digital keys to unlock your door. Technology is making hotels more convenient and comfortable.

(Bridging the gap)
Here in Africa, technology can be a powerful tool for tourism:
- Shining a Light on Africa's Treasures: Online platforms can showcase the continent's diverse cultures, landscapes, and adventures to a wider audience.
- Sharing Stories in New Ways: Technology can create interactive experiences that bring African culture to life, making your trip even more meaningful.
- Supporting Local Businesses: Online marketplaces can connect you directly with local tour operators, artisans, and guides, so you can experience the true spirit of Africa.
By embracing technology wisely, both travelers and the African tourism industry can reap incredible benefits."

Featured Speaker(s)

CEO, Founder Angels Wings Foundation

Founder and CEO of
Wings Consultancy
Angels Wings
Foundation Africa
Executive Board
Member for The
Hospitality Counsel
Ambassador Africa for
African Women South
Immediate President
of JCI Queens

Angie has extensive experience
managing and working with multiple
Organisations in the Tourism and
Hospitality industries, as well as in
social development. Angie is very
passionate about service delivery
hence offering Training in Africa, to
enhance service standards through
her Consultancy.