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Session I | Session II | Session III
Thursday, March 2
Session I | Session II | Session III
Past Conferences | Dallas | 2000 | Sessions and Speakers

Sessions and Speakers

Friday, March 3
Session I
9:30 -10:45 a.m.

Business Development Track

Dot.com Marketing Strategies
Oak Room
The Internet has profoundly and permanently changed how businesses plan and implement marketing strategies. Companies need to develop marketing solutions that work in a corporate environment traveling at cyberspeed. This session will address the innovative, out-of-the box marketing ideas you can use. It will answer the question: how can you communicate your brand's core message strategically and effectively?
Clarisse Behar Molad, Director of Corporate Strategy, Enterpriseworks (moderator)
Gay Gaddis, President and Founder, T3
Kristen Sager, Vice President, Marketing, eHow
Randi Shade, Founder & President, Charity Gift

Entrepreneurial Track

Tales of Successful Startups
State Room
Starting a hi-tech company requires formulating and sharing the vision, building the strategic team, implementing the plan and raising capital. This session will provide relevant information for entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs and the steps that need to be taken by those who have been successful.
Nancy Humphries, President, ESS, Entrepreneurial Support Services (moderator)
Paula Jagemann, CEO and Founder, OnlineOfficeSupplies.com
Becky Cavanaugh, Co-founder and Director, Software Development, Obsidian Software
Barbara Blair, CEO, Cyberstaff

Professional Development Track

Corporate Pipeline: Navigating your Way to the Top
Gold Room
In striving to assume increased levels of responsibility, women are conquering personal fears and cultural stereotypes on their way up the corporate ladder. We will focus on the challenges faced by successful women, strategies they used to overcome obstacles and the skills that served them well along the way. We will also discuss the current environment for women in corporate America.
Nicole Toney, Director, Human Resources, Trans-Act E-Commerce Corporation (moderator)
Julie England, Vice President and General Manager, Sun Microsystems Business, Texas Instruments
Rhonda St. John, Director, Rt. 1 Solutions

Negotiating your Employment Contract in the New Economy
Continental Room
In today�s economy there is more to compensation than salary alone. Depending on your responsibility in the company, your compensation may also be made up of bonuses, stock options and other long-term incentives and benefits that have a monetary value, as well as other types of compensation, including things money can't buy, such as time and happiness. We will discuss the various compensation strategies available in the new economy as well as negotiation techniques for obtaining the best compensation package possible.

Linda Wilkins, Partner, Locke Liddell & Sapp, LLP
Jennifer Jackson, President/Executive Recruiter, Jackson Resources
Diana Johnson, ASP Staffing Manager, Texas Instruments
Sharon Matthews, Director, Human Resource Operations, IBM
Technology Track
Sponsored by InfoWorld

e-Commerce Site Development I
Far East Room This 3-session track will address the construction of a successful e-commerce site and offer tips on determining which path will result in the most cost-effective, productive, and profitable solution for your needs. The first session will provide an overview of e-Commerce technologies and strategies related to site development.

Debi VanFlymen, Director of e-Solutions, eviciti

Session II
11 a.m. -12:15 p.m.

Business Development Track

Building Strategic Business Alliances
State Room
Strategic alliances are critical in today�s new economy. Join senior business development and marketing professionals for a discussion on the role that strategic alliances play in their firms. This session will focus on the definitions and entities that comprise alliances, corporate strategies, best practices for forming and maintaining alliances and how alliances evolve or dissolve.
Julie Martin, Director of Product Marketing and Corporate Communications, BackWeb Technologies (moderator)
Janet Ryan, President, J.M. Ryan & Associates
Katie Scheding, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Juno
Sarah Derocher, Director of Strategic Sales, pcOrder

Entrepreneurial Track

Knockout First Impressions
Continental Room
Are you the owner of a startup or do you dream of owning your own business one day? Either way, you surely understand the importance of good first impressions - indeed, it may be the only impression you get to make. This session will discuss the business strategies and technology tools that can help you project the image of a secure, well-established company
even if you�re a struggling startup. Join this panel of entrepreneurs and business development gurus for an information-packed session that will help you succeed!
Jana High, President and CEO, JLH Presentations (moderator)
Mariana Danilovic, Senior Manager, Digital Media Business Incubator, KPMG
Barbara Blair, CEO, Cyberstaff
Randi Shade, Founder & President, Charity Gift

Professional Development Track

Personal Stories of Successful Women
Gold Room
This is always one of our most popular sessions. Inspiring, motivational and awesome is how some have described it. If you�re interested in the engaging stories of dynamic women who have experienced extraordinary success, then this is a session you won�t want to miss.
Dot Rhyne, Vice President, Belo Media Solutions (moderator)
Fran Bartlett, Founder and President, Federal Liaison Services
Duy-Loan Le, Program Manager and Fellow, Texas Instruments
Carol Thompson, President, The Thompson Group
Discover the Power of Mentoring!
Oak Room
Learn how mentoring can positively affect your organization and your career. Mentoring is a simple, powerful and cost-effective way to develop and retain a diverse employee base - it enables all employees to discover their personal power and maximize their potential. In this session you will learn about the "new model"
"mentoring partnerships driven and managed by the mentee, not the mentor." Discover six steps to a successful mentoring partnership.
Jill Jordan, Managing Director, Menttium

Technology Track
Sponsored by InfoWorld

e-Commerce Site Development II
Far East Room
This 3-session track will address the construction of a successful e-commerce site and offer tips on determining which path will result in the most cost-effective, productive, and profitable solution for your needs. The second session will show you how to build a site from scratch that will have the capability to scale and adapt to changing demands, and will take a look at turnkey solutions that ease the time and cost of development.

Anna Sabasteanski, Global Practice Leader for e-Business, Tanning Technology

Internet Architectures: The Next Wave
Continental Room
What if your data could be read by disparate systems? What if one format could be extended to the Web, e-commerce, and systems management? Well it can with Extensible Markup Language, which is quickly becoming the standard for e-commerce and Web development. This session will cover the diverse uses of XML and the benefits it can bring to your organization.

Kara Kapczynski, CTO, Gen3Partners

Balancing Work/Life Roundtable
Parisian Room
Does it seem like work has become your life? Do you wonder whether you can succeed in a technology company and still have a life? Whatever your profession, whatever your lifestyle, attend this session to figure out how to "get a life." There is no "one size fits all" answer - come think with the panelists about life choices and balancing strategies. You're sure to learn something that will help you enjoy life more.
Linda Ford, Ph.D., President, Optima Consulting (moderator)
Monica Donner Schanke, Branch Manager, Dallas Park Cities Branch, Charles Schwab & Co.
Laura Bosworth-Bucher, Senior Manager, Dell Computer Corporation
Mellie Price, Vice President, Business Solutions, Human Code
Session III
2:15 - 3:45 p.m.
Business Development Track

Best Practices in Customer Relationship Management
Oak Room
This session will show you how to build emotional partnerships with your customers that lead to lifetime loyalty and far-reaching goodwill. Some of the program highlights will include: leveraging strengths to delivery "complete solutions," how to deliver more than expected, why proactive communication is critical, and insights you get by listening to customers.
Jan Watson, e-Commerce Strategy Manager, BMC Software, Inc. (moderator)
Julie Martin, Director of Product Marketing and Corporate Communications, BackWeb Technologies
Gayle Crowell, President and CEO, RightPoint Software

Entering the Burgeoning Overseas Marketing
State Room
As lines blur and the world becomes a global marketplace, preparing your company to be an international player is key to future success. What do you need to know to be successful in the international arena? What are the cultural and linguistic pitfalls to look for? How can you use the power of the Web to reach people within different countries and cultures and get the right results? What are the challenges of integrating different languages into your products and services. These issues and more will be discussed in this session.

Kathleen Bostick, Vice President, North America, SDL International
Entrepreneurial Track

Networking to Generate New Clients
Executive Room
Nobody can market your business better than you can through effective networking you can attract new clients and grow your business. It is one of the most powerful tools for the new and would-be entrepreneur. This panel of experts will discuss effective networking techniques, strategies that will help you maximize your marketing efforts and communication tips to help you "connect" with people. If you want to be your own best marketer, attend this session!
Rita Lundeen, Director of Strategic Alliances, TimeVision (moderator)
Marny Lochhead, Partner, The Thompson Group
Nancy Humphries, President, ESS, Entrepreneurial Support Services
Jana High, President and CEO, JLH Presentations
Professional Development Track

Winning at Negotiation: Creating Win-Win Situations
Gold Room Win-win negotiating means negotiating from a base of integrity, values and cooperation rather than from power, positioning, and competition. Topics covered will include: why the win-lose paradigm doesn't work, why win-win negotiating is more effective and knowledge and skills necessary to negotiate an effective win-win agreement.
Mellie Price, Vice President, Business Solutions, Human Code (moderator)
Judith McCrackin, Founder, Thoughtspace
Lisa Calloway, Softare Field Specialist, Central Region, Texas Instruments
Leadership: The Challenge of Organizational Transformation
Continental Room
Women understand the need for change in business. About 70% of attempts to transform organizations fail. Understanding the five transformation disciplines dramatically increases the odds of success in any transformation effort. In this workshop you will learn how to: formulate Boundaries of Change that move the transformation in an appropriate strategic direction, how to create suitable Prescriptive Values of Transformation, how to implement small structural changes, how to use Peer Coaching to promote and produce new behaviors and how to mobilize small, diverse, volunteer teams as vehicles for transformation.
Veronica Boaz, Vice President, Professional Change Agent, ChangeCraft
Technology Track
Sponsored by InfoWorld

e-Commerce Site Development III
Far East Room This 3-session track will address the construction of a successful e-commerce site and offer tips on determining which path will result in the most cost-effective, productive, and profitable solution for your needs. The third session will discuss using an e-commerce service provider when you don't have the staff or infrastructure to build your own site.

Molly Wright Steenson, Customer Experience Architect, Scient