Carol Evanoff

CEO, Mapping Your Career Success
104C-006 - Changing the Perceived Success Molds: How to Get Noticed When You Don't Look Like the Boss
222C-066 - Overcoming the Bamboo Ceiling (the Asian Leadership Gap)
303C-088 - Changing the Perceived Success Molds: How to Get Noticed When You Don't Look Like the Boss
316C-104 - Edge Out the Competition for Promotions

Mentored 1,095 proteges and 3,000 employees in 40 years. 36 years in Leadership in Aerospace supporting the deployment of the Trident Missiles including: Engineering, Digital Engineering, Model Based Engineering, Manufacturing, Product Assurance, IT, Calibration, Machining, Composites, Electronics, Chemical Processing, Tooling, Maintenance, Transportation, Warehousing, Human Resources, Safety, Security, Explosive Processing for DoD/DoE with 100% Mission Success. 167 consecutive successful Trident Missile Launches. Currently working for Systems Planning and Analysis on strategic planning for the next 60 years of Trident II D5 Missile.