114 - Demonstrating New Leadership Skills: Calling Out the Brilliance of Women and the Greatness of Men

Bonita Banducci, Lecturer, Gender and Engineering, Santa Clara U/Institute for Women's Leadership
June 11, 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm  •  Sierra

Realize your own unique value - what you think is just common sense - by understanding the unarticulated, invisible, and undervalued gendered ways women lead. Doing so will have you valued in a new way, while creating a powerful new inclusive business and engineering culture. This session will show you how to:
* Translate your value into language that is understood and utilized in the traditional business and technology world of "tools, skills, objects, actions, results."
* Adopt an individualistic language that engages and brings out the greatness of others, while maintaining who you are and the contribution you have to make.
* Demonstrate your new leadership skills with confidence, as a master of working with differences while increasing innovation and productivity.