Building the IT Professional Pipeline for Today to be ready for Tomorrow

The IT Resource Deficit concerns everyone. Businesses are wondering why they are having a hard time finding qualified technology professionals. Qualified technology professionals are wondering why no one responds to their resumes when they apply for positions. Our next generation sees this dilemma and are making choices that take them way from technology into other fields. How we can change this trend so that more people are making technology their career choice?

Come to our next WITI meeting for a stimulating and engaging discussion with industry leaders, peers and educators on this topic. Volunteer to be part of the solution as we brainstorm how we can turn our decisions into actions that will encourage young women and men to come back to technology as a great career choice.

We plan to make the actions tangible as we team up with GA Educators to have WITI women talk to our students, the future leaders of tomorrow about their careers and how they too can follow this path.

Schedule of Events

4:30 Registration and networking
5:30 WITI Greeting, Meeting Overview & Introductions
5:45 Speakers & Discussion
7:45 Wrap Up, Drawings for Give-A-Ways