The Power of Personal Branding In Professional Success

Join us on July 30th as Lorrie Thomas Ross, MA talks about the critical need to manage your personal brand to boost professional success. Branding is not just for big business. Establishing a personal brand in todays digitally influenced culture is a must whether you work for an organization, for yourself or are looking to start or shift a career path. Lorrie will share success stories that have put professionals on the map, present a success framework for personal branding as well as share specific action items that you can put to work to get momentum moving.

Featured Speaker(s)

Lorrie Thomas Ross, M.A., The Marketing Therapist®, is a sought-after motivational marketing speaker, web marketing expert and educator, and author of The McGraw Hill 36-Hour Course to Online Marketing and several online marketing video courses. Lorrie empowers and engages professionals who attend her speaking engagements with her wealth of sales and marketing expertise and delivery of critical web marketing tools/rules that teach attendees how to develop and execute healthy marketing efforts that best fit their unique goals.

Lorrie speaks both nationally and internationally, sharing her marketing expertise by customizing each of her presentations to the business, niche, skill sets and professional concerns of her attendees and experience as a successful entrepreneur. She receives rave reviews as a web marketing speaker for her ability to provide fresh, value-rich information in a fun and humorous tone that inspires audiences into action.