WITI Holiday Networking Party

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Forget Resolutions - This year go for your dreams!

Spend an inspiring evening with Marcia Wieder and find out how the WITI Dream Circle will support you in acheiving your dreams!

Learn how to design your dream and use the Global WITI Network to make it come true!

Featured Speaker(s)

About Marcia Wieder

"Marcia's right! You have to be able to identify what you really love and what you really want, before you can get it."
Oprah Winfrey

As America’s Dream Coach®, Marcia Wieder travels the world - an ambassador for making dreams real. She’s known for giving inspiring and moving talks to notable companies such as AT&T, The Gap and American Express.

In addition to being a charismatic speaker, she’s the renowned author of three books dedicated to achieving your dreams: Making Your Dreams Come True®, Life is But a Dream, and Doing Less and Having More. She’s also a syndicated columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle, in which she urges readers to take “The Great Dream Challenge”- a call to arms for dreamers from all walks of life.

Appearing several times on Oprah and The Today Show, she’s shared her message of a “passion-filled life” with millions of viewers. Equally exciting, was the PBS featured national television special, Making Your Dreams Come True®, the namesake of her popular selling book, which has also been translated into numerous languages.

Interestingly enough, while serving as the President of the National Association of Women Business Owners, she was often invited to the White House. During her time living in Washington D.C., she had the honor of meeting former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr.

With a growing world-wide audience, receptive and eager to achieve their dreams and support others in doing the same, Marcia founded Dream Coach® University, where Dream Coaches are certified to lead her masterful work. Many Dream Coaches have their own successful practices, and others have brought her powerful message into their companies, communities, and even schools.

The universal content of her keynotes and workshops appeal to a wide range of audiences. Whether she’s teaching at the Stanford Business School, speaking to executives in China or Prague, or addressing a group of young women gathered at Girl Scout Camp, her belief that “each of our personal dreams matter, and are worth achieving” strikes a chord in everyone, everywhere.

Additonal inforamtion about Marcia can be found at

Schedule of Events

5:30 - 6:30 Networking/Wine & Hors d'oeuvres
6:30 - 6:45 Introductions and Network News
6:45 - 7:30 Speaker
7:30 - 8:00 Q&A
8:00 - 9:00 More Networking