105: Drone Engineering: Exploring New Capabilities in STEM Education

Leslie Bates, Founder, SheDrones
Desi Ekstein, Drone Diva Desi, On The Go Video.biz
Anne Lopez, STEM Educator, Eastside Middle School
June 5, 12:30 pm - 4:45 pm  •  Sierra Room

Drones have a tremendous "cool" factor, yet require a solid grasp of the fundamentals across many disciplines to design, build, and operate. During this session, middle-school students will engage in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) industry through a "learn, build, fly, create" approach. This approach dives deeply into every component of STEM, catalyzing students to develop critical cognitive skills through a hands-on, team approach. The primary goal is to empower students to pursue an education and career in science. WITI Summit attendees are most welcome to attend this workshop to observe these middle-school students working in teams to design and build a quadcopter drone from the beginning to the end: this includes building the drone, computer programming the motors and controller, and of course testing their drone for flight!