Need to Know Marketing - Get Smart and Strategic

Do you know the best marketing strategies for your business? Should your company be on Facebook, use direct mail, create a newsletter, utilize e-mail, or simply continue cold calling? This workshop will help you save critical time and money by helping to construct a clear and concise plan that will identify the best possible marketing methods for your specific business.

Win a copy of one of Alyssa’s new books and enjoy an exclusive book signing "Ms. Informed: Wake Up Wisdom for Women" or "No Time Marketing"

Attendees Will Learn:

1. How and why strategic marketing makes all the difference in every business decision

2. The different dynamics and methods of marketing �" social media, traditional, online, etc.

3. A simple process for developing a quick and useful marketing plan for your business

4. The key questions you need to answer BEFORE you invest time or money on anything!

Featured Speaker(s)

A former Chief Marketing Officer at public and private companies in the US and Europe, Dver is now the CEO of the international consulting firm, Mint Green Marketing. With clients ranging from large multinationals such as Nokia, Pitney Bowes, IBM, EMC, and Choice Hotels to up-and-coming smaller companies based all over the world, Dver leads Mint Green Marketing in providing affordable, expert marketing help.

A five time author, Dver’s books include marketing industry standards, “No Time Marketing: Small Business-sized Steps in 30 Minutes or Less” and “Software Product Management Essentials”. Her most recent book, “Ms. Informed: Wake Up Wisdom for Women” has taken off. Dver often writes for a variety of publications such as Entrepreneur, SoftwareCEO, Forbes, and Software Magazine. Interviewed by The Boston Globe, NPR and Newsday, Dver is a media go-to for all things marketing.

Dver speaks several times each month at conference and association venues such as Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence, IEEE, The Commonwealth Institute and dozens more. A Wharton graduate and AIPMM certified product manager, Dver is a frequent guest lecturer at business schools, public sector and corporate trainings.

Schedule of Events

6:00-6:30 p.m. - Networking
6:30-6:45 p.m. - WITI Boston Opening Remarks
6:45-7:45 p.m. - Alyssa Dver - Need to Know Marketing
7:45-8:00 p.m. - Socialize, Stay or Stray