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Regional Chapters | Boston

About WITI Boston

WITI Boston is a network of 4,200+ women in the area. We run events and programs to provide you with continued education in Science and Technology, to help connect you with other women in the WITI Boston community and to aid in your professional and personal growth.

WITI Boston assists professional women to gain the skills, visibility, and recognition needed to further their careers and make an increasingly stronger contribution to the success of the area's growing science and technology organizations. We have a diverse membership base including CEO's, Entrepreneurs, CTO's, Sales and Marketing professionals, Consultants and Developers.

Attending a WITI Boston meeting is an opportunity for personal and professional growth, to increase your personal contacts and opportunities, to expose yourself to learning experiences and to the other smart, professional women in the Boston area. Networking is a long term investment in your career.

Have you ever noticed how most successful people have a well established and broad reaching network? We provide a venue to help you make the connections with other women to make a difference in your life and career.

This year's WITI Boston calendar is filled with panel discussions, interactive workshops and Networking Events that will help you achieve your goals in 2001. Not only do you receive the benefits of being connected locally, but you now have access to several thousand women globally.

Find out about the WITI Boston membership benefits.

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